
A Living Laboratory
for Designing the Future of Work

Beta Lab, Gurgaon
Design & Build
7,000 SFT

The one-size-fits-all approach doesn't cut it anymore.

The Challenge

The workplace is evolving rapidly, yet a crucial question remains: How do we design spaces that truly adapt to your specific needs? Existing options often feel rigid and inflexible under the weight of modern demands and diverse working styles.

Employees yearn for more than static desks. They crave quiet zones for focused work, collaborative havens for brainstorming, and seamless technology to empower them. Yet, current layouts offer limited options, leaving them vulnerable to distracting noise and uninspiring work environments. The one-size-fits-all approach doesn't cut it anymore.

This isn't just one challenge; it's a triple threat to progress. Activity-based work, employee well-being, and fostering vibrant communities are all stifled by the limitations of outdated workplace design.

The Challenge

The workplace is evolving rapidly, yet a crucial question remains: How do we design spaces that truly more


Before we began, we used Design Thinking principles to understand what our people, both as users and experimenters, needed from the space.

The Solution

Beta Lab is where the future of work unfolds, where diverse needs are met, culture and collaboration thrive, and well-being is prioritised for your people and the planet. We used Design Thinking to understand what our people needed from the space. According to our survey:

44% craved escape: nature walks, cafes, anything but their desks.
80% yearned for quiet: the current lack was deafening.
34% loved collaboration: those areas were a hit.
Technology is the key: it, alongside collaboration, shapes the future.

Now, Experience the difference;

Immerse yourself: Step into a vibrant tapestry of sights, sounds, and smells, each element evokes different experiences.

Dynamic flow: Beta Lab's layout caters to various needs. Open meeting spaces buzz with energy, while quiet corners offer focused work havens.

Technology as guide: Space Matrix app empowers you to control your immediate environment – lighting, temperature, and even coffee preferences.


Test Drive Your Workspace: Considering a new workstyle? Prototype it before committing. Work there for a few days and experience it firsthand.
Material Playground: Our comprehensive library showcases the latest textures, materials, and finishes. Physically test samples and use digital apps to visualise your choices in actual designs.
Experimentation on a Budget: Low-cost materials like river-finished Kota stone and broken ceramics demonstrate endless possibilities for creative expression.

And, Evolve;

Adaptive Spaces: The step-seating area can be a casual meeting space, a Friday night hangout, or even an all-hands meeting, all within the same week.
Well-being at Work: Beta Lab is India's first WELL v2 pre-certified office. It showcases how to champion wellness in the workplace.

The Solution

Beta Lab is where the future of work unfolds, where diverse needs are met, culture and collaboration more


A testament to the power of experimentation and evolution in workplace design.

The Result

90% employee return rate: Beta Lab shows the power of a well-designed and engaging workplace.

100% adoption of unassigned work desks: Flexible workspace options empower employees and boost satisfaction and productivity.

Enhanced onboarding experience: Beta Lab's innovative environment attracts talent and creates a smoother integration process.

Bringing the third space to the office: Beta Lab offers the benefits of a social hub within the workplace, fostering collaboration and connection.

Beta Lab is more than just a workspace; it's a testament to the power of experimentation and evolution in workplace design. By offering a platform to test, explore, and adapt, Beta Lab helps us – and you – create workspaces that are truly fit for the future.

The Result

90% employee return rate: Beta Lab shows the power of a well-designed and engaging workplace.
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